Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cristin and Brad - 04.22.2011

Cristin and Brad were married on Good Friday in a short, but sweet ceremony. Despite clouds and some sprinkles, their day was beautiful. 

Thanks so much for having us and congratulations again!! 

(You can see some more pictures of Cristin and Brad's wedding on Facebook @ the Megan Hampton Photography Fanpage.)

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I only get to see my nephew and sister a few times a year. I really wish it was more. My nephew is now 3 years old and so much fun to be around! 

He pretends to be happy, sad, mad - you can basically prompt him to express all kinds of emotions. His imagination is huge! He makes up songs and tells all kinds of stories. 

My parents visited an entire week, while I joined them for about 3 days. One of my favorite things happened at meal times. My parents taught him to say "Thank you God for these gifts, Amen." The "Amen" was really big - "AAAAmen!" The funniest part was having him search to hold our hands and say, "God, gifts" several time throughout the meal so we could do it over and over. Priceless.

I really think my sister's family need to move back up north. 

In no particular order: