Saturday, February 27, 2010

Culinary Delight

It's been awhile since I posted. I'm trying to figure out what and when to blog. Thursday and friday were two snow days for the local school districts. This freed up some time for my husband and I, as he is a teacher and I substitute as needed.

We decided to make the most of the snow storm and some of its consequences (cancelled plans). We took three hours yesterday to make a delicious meal! My sister bought Mastering the Art of French Cooking, by Julia Child, for my mother and I at Christmas. We went through some of her tips and a few other recipes before coming up with our own concoction for our "Young, Fresh" Chicken.

We started with the intention of stuffing the poor bird and did that, among other things. Hopefully these pictures will give you a good idea of how our project went...

I am putting up more pictures than I am going to explain because, well, that's what I do!

The stuffing turned out to be the BEST stuffing either of us has ever tasted. We had mashed potatoes with gravy and broccoli salad on the side.

And at last, we enjoyed a scrumptious meal!